Our Services

Rob’s Lawn Mowing offers a wide variety of lawn care services, including:


Spring Cleaning:  We’ll clean and mow your lawn to vacuum the dead grass, leaves, etc.

Verticutting and Re-seeding: Early spring is the ideal time to renovate your lawn.

Extended Lawn Care Services:

  • Core aerating
  • Fertilization Applications
  • Mulching
  • Top soil work
  • Sodding
  • Edging
  • Re-seeding
  • Bush and hedge trimming

Commercial Property Care:  If you’re associated with commercial property, and would like to see it managed with the same quality and service as your lawn care at home, please give us a call.

The Value in Landscaping

Aesthetic Appeal

Consistent care is the key to keeping your lawn looking its best. A landscaper can analyze your problems areas, plan and execute creative and attractive solutions, enhance usable space, create functionality, and make your home enviable to your neighbors. Realtors’ estimate 95% of home shoppers will overlook homes which lack curb appeal.

Environmental Benefits

Lawns are beneficial from an aesthetic and recreational point of view, while also providing a number of environmental benefits. Lawns produce oxygen for you and your family and soak up gases like sulfur dioxide. A well-kept lawn is less likely to require harsh chemical pesticides and can also decrease thenegative impact urban sprawl has on the natural wildlife.

Adds Value

When interested buyers show up at your door, your garden will be the first impression they get of your home. Well-cared for lawns are a telltale sign for a well-cared for home and can increase the overall value of your home. More green space also yields increased property value. Smart Money magazine indicate that consumers value a landscaped home up to 11.3 percent high than its base price.